Social Work

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Course image 23-24 SW5020: Knowledge and Skills for Practice 1
Social Work

This module supports students’ learning and demonstration of key knowledge and skills for Social work practice. Students develop understanding of the practical application of core themes integral to social work practice including: professionalism, service user & carer perspectives, ethics and social work values, communication skills and reflective practice. The centrality of people with lived experience is emphasised alongside the development of a professional identity in line with the Professional Capability Framework (PCF), SWE Standards of Education and Training, and Knowledge and Skills Statements for both adults and child and families practice.

Course image 23-24 HC5915: Working with Complexity & Safeguarding: Advanced Practice with Adults
Social Work

Welcome to Safeguarding Adults!  This is a 20 credit module at Masters Level taught over 4 full days.

Teaching staff:

Karl Mason is a Registered Social Worker who qualified as a social worker in 2002 and worked in Local Authorities and the NHS and in both the UK and Ireland for 15 years until joining Royal Holloway in 2017.  At Royal Holloway, he is a Lecturer and a Programme Lead for the BSc Social Science.  His teaching mainly focuses on adult social care law, policy and practice and his research focuses on inter-disciplinary issues in social care (homelessness and social work, cooperative working in self-neglect), marginalised communities in social care (LGBTQ+ communities, people experiencing homelessness) and practice issues in adult social care (working with complex disclosures re: safeguarding, working with self-neglect, working with people experiencing homelessness). 

Contact Karl: (Target response time Mon-Fri 9am-5pm - within 48 hours)

Karl's office hours: 

Mondays 11am-12pm Click here to join the meeting - OR email for an alternative time

Karl's profile:

Course image 23-24 SW3030: Research Project
Social Work
Module Lead: Frank Keating
Arts Building, 2nd Floor, No. 02

This module will enable students to demonstrate practical and applied social research skills; give students the opportunity to work as independent learners to develop in-depth understanding in a specialist area. Students will have an opportunity to submit a substantial piece of written work in which they will critically assess different approaches to research, implement a research plan and evaluate research findings. There will be 8 dissertation workshops (one in the summer term of Year 2, and one each during the autumn and spring terms of Year 3). The workshops will engage students in generic research skills and will include topics such as: Focusing a research project and developing a research statement; literature reviews within the research process; and engaging with research ethics in data collection and analysis. In addition to this, students will meet with their allocated supervisor on a regular basis to progress their work. Supervisors will review and comment verbally on the dissertation outline and a draft of 1 chapter from the dissertation.
Course image 23-24 SW5004: Law for Social Work
Social Work

Law for Social Workers Course Overview:

The course runs over the autumn term consisting of 10 lectures and seminars. The overall aim of the course is to provide a solid grounding in a number of areas of law which are necessary to meet the PCF requirements of a newly qualified Social Worker.


The formative assessment for this course will consist of feedback on case study presentations in the seminar groups and two mock exams, one at the mid-point of the course and the other at the end.

The summative assessment for this course is a 3 hour unseen exam (100% weighting) at the beginning of the spring term. The date of this exam will be confirmed at during the autumn term.

Course image 23-24 SW5006: Critical Social Work Interventions
Social Work

ASSESSMENT See Syllabus for Details and Submission Dates

1) Essay (3000-3200 words)

2) Reflective Learning Logs x5 (500-600 words per log) 

3) Assessed Presentation (20 min)

Course image 23-24 SW5007: Research Methods and Dissertation
Social Work

Key Tasks and Dates:

  1. Review a research paper relevant to your research topic to present to a small group in class - 24th October 2023
  2. Submit Dissertation Topic Outline - 24th  October 2023
  3. Poster Session 28th November 2023
  4. Submit Dissertation Proposal - 23rd January 2024
  5. Submit Dissertation - 15th July 2024