TALENT Sandbox
Training Spaces
If you'd like to be enrolled on the TALENT Moodle page (or more info about the scheme), please email Lynne: lynne.francis@rhul.ac.uk
Training Space 9
Training Spaces
In Use RDP Redesign - Please keep until Rollover into 23-24 and then confirm with Laura.
This is the older style RDP from Sept 22 that should be kept as a backup and for reference in case anything needs to be brought back next year following user feedback on the new design. (Slightly more updated copy than is in the 21-22 archive, so needs to be kept for now).
Whitlock/Schluter TEXTBOOK
Training Spaces
<a href="https://azrhu01a0104.rhu.cdl.cosector.com/course/view.php?id=9267">Return to the Course </a>