23-24 SG1054: Biology - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term
Welcome to IFY Biology Moodle page for September 2023-24 semester!

Here you will find class materials, homework and asynchronous work information, independent study tasks as well as formative/ summative information for the Biology module.

This module focuses on real-world applications, problem-solving, global challenges, enterprise and innovation. The curriculum inspires students to explore their discipline and, through this, seeks to kindle the learners' passion for and development within Biology.

During the module you will be learning about Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Genetics as well as Ecology. There will also be aspects of maths which includes using units, using ratios and percentages, dealing with orders of magnitude and plotting and using graphs.

If you have any general module queries, or you are having trouble with assessments or assignments or just want to discuss your progress then contact your tutor Dr Ali Behjou on ali.behjou@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Head of English (Nicole Yip, wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk).
23-24 SG1012: Academic English Skills - Spring Term PMP
IFY Spring Term

Online Academic English Skills 2023/24: September Cohort

Welcome to the AES Moodle Page for September 2023/24 cohort.

This is the landing page where you will be directed to the AES online teaching and learning platform here. You will also find some AES-related documents, such as the Harvard Referencing manual, etc. To find out more about a section, simply click on the section title.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the Interim Head of English: Nicole Yip at wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk.

Your AES tutors for this academic year are: 

 If you need to get in touch with your tutors, please email them to make an appointment.

23-24 SG1012: Academic English Skills - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Online Academic English Skills 2023/24: September Cohort

Welcome to the AES Moodle Page for September 2023/24 cohort.

This is the landing page where you will be directed to the AES online teaching and learning platform here. You will also find some AES-related documents, such as the Harvard Referencing manual, etc. To find out more about a section, simply click on the section title.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the Interim Head of English: Nicole Yip at wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk.

Your AES tutors for this academic year are: 

January tutors:

September tutors:

 If you need to get in touch with your tutors, please email them to make an appointment.

23-24 SG1000: Introduction to Literature - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Introduction to Literature 2023/24: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Literature Moodle page for January 2023/24.

Here you will find class materials, homework and asynchronous information, and formative and summative assignment information for the Literature module. During the course you will explore a variety of texts from around the world and a number of different theories that we can use to interrogate them, improving your critical skills as well as having the opportunity to approach texts creatively.

If you have any module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Mark Kirkbride (Mark.Kirkbride@rhul.ac.uk). 

For more general queries or concerns, please contact the Head of BAS, Dr Katie Cattell (Katie.Cattell@rhul.ac.uk).

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

23-24 SG1003: Introduction to Business - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Introduction to Business Studies 2023/24: September cohort 

Welcome to the Business Moodle page for January 2023/24

This module will provide you with a broad introduction to Business and Management and prepare you for your undergraduate studies. It includes diverse areas such as starting new businesses, finance, marketing and leadership.

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Business module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr. Agha Ibiam (agha.ibiam@rhul.ac.uk)

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.



23-24 SG1058: Collaboration for Sustainable Futures - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Collaboration for Sustainable Futures

Welcome to the Collaboration for Sustainable Futures Moodle Page for January 2024.

Here you will find all of the resources you need to participate in the Collaboration for Sustainable Futures module, including weekly materials and tasks, extra practice activities and formative and summative assessment information.

This module has been designed to introduce students to the topic of sustainability through exploration of efforts being made on a global and local level to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The module will also support learners in developing the following important skills needed to succeed in a modern, higher education environment:

  1. Collaborating and building team-working skills
  2. Using appropriate research methods
  3. Reflective learning
  4. Independent enquiry and learner autonomy
  5. Applying theory to develop create solutions to real-world problems.

More information on the module aims is available in the module handbook (under the Course Information section of this page).

Your tutors on this module are Ben Andersen (Ben.Andersen@rhul.ac.uk) and Rosie.Baynham (Rosie.Baynham@rhul.ac.uk).

Please contact them if you have any queries about the module.

If you need specific Academic English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor or contact the ISC's Head of English, Nicole Yip (Wai.Yip@rhul.ac.uk) who can provide you with information on the language support available to you.

23-24 SG1056: Core Maths 2 - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term
Welcome to the Core Maths 2 module. This module forms part of the International Foundation Year programme. The overall aim of this programme is to increase your confidence in using mathematics and develop your analytical processing and academic study skills to meet the mathematical demands of your chosen first degree course at Royal Holloway.

Mathematics is a requirement of many first degrees, including computer science, psychology and economics. The course aims to consolidate and build on your current knowledge and develop an understanding of statistics.

This module will take you through the practical aspects of collecting and representing data visually and numerically to enable interpretation and extrapolation. You will meet theoretical probability and both discrete and continuous probability distributions and learn how to make decisions. Your knowledge of scatter graphs will be refined to enable correlation and regression analysis.

It is an expectation that technology will be used where appropriate including, but not limited to, a scientific calculator (not graphical/programmable) and Microsoft Excel.

Finally, you will engage in group activities as well as working individually. The emphasis is on independent learning with the support of the group, class and teacher.


“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” – Paul Halmos

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Reza Abed (reza.abed@rhul.ac.uk), your Core Maths Module tutor.

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.
23-24 SG1054: Chemistry - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term
Welcome to IFY Chemistry Moodle page for January 2024 semester!

Here you will find class materials, homework and asynchronous work information, independent study tasks as well as formative/ summative information for the chemistry module.

If you have any general module queries, or you are having trouble with assessments or assignments or just want to discuss your progress then contact your tutor Dr Reza Abed on Reza.abed@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Head of English (Nicole Yip, wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk).
23-24 SG1009: International Politics -Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY International Politics 2023/24 September Cohort

MODULE CONVENER: Dr Noman Hanif -  noman.hanif@rhul.ac.uk

Welcome to the Politics Moodle page for September/January 2023/24

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Politics module. During the course you will explore key themes in global politics among which climate change, identity, power, colonialism, neoliberalism and political violence. Each theme draws out specific historical and geographical locations and uses a wide range of illustrative examples to examine the complexity of responses and to evaluate the broader theoretical approaches.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr Noman Hanif (Noman.Hanif@rhul.ac.uk)

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

23-24 SG1006: Core Maths 1 - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Welcome to the Core Maths 1 (January cohort) 2023/24 module!

This module forms part of the International Foundation Year programme. The overall aim of this programme is to increase your confidence in using mathematics and develop your analytical processing and academic study skills to meet the mathematical demands of your chosen first degree course at Royal Holloway. 

Mathematics is a requirement of many first degrees, including computer science, psychology and economics. The course aims to consolidate and build on your current knowledge and develop a greater understanding in calculus and algebra. 

The course will include a review of basic arithmetic concepts important in science and algebra to generalise and solve problems. You will also meet basic calculus methods to enable problem solving and decision making. 

It is an expectation that technology will be used where appropriate including, but not limited to, a scientific calculator (not graphical/programmable) and Microsoft Excel. 

Finally, you will engage in group activities as well as working individually. The emphasis is on independent learning with the support of the group, class and teacher. 


The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” – Paul Halmos 

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Sabah Ali (sabah.ali@rhul.ac.uk), your Core Maths 1 Module tutor. 

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to  your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you. 

23-24 SG1002: Music-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Music 2023/24: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Music Moodle page for Janary 2023-24! 

Here you will find class materials, homework and asychronous information, and formative and summative assignment information for the Music module. In the music module, you will be doing two things: enhancing your academic music skills (such as theory, harmony and history) and working on your practical skills with a peripatetic teacher on an instrument of your choice.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr Katie Cattell at Katie.Cattell@rhul.ac.uk.

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

23-24 SG1001: Film Studies and Media Studies - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Film and Media Studies 2023/24: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Film and Media Studies (FMS) Moodle Page for January 2023/24. Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative & summative assignment information for the FMS module.

Over the past 100 years film and media has grown into an enormously powerful part of almost all societies in the world. Every aspect of modern living is affected by film and media both as an industry and cultural phenomenon. Indeed, film and media are integral features of our experience of modernity itself.

The module is designed to introduce you to a range of different theoretical approaches in the study of film and media and how these offer a deeper understanding of the ways texts operate within society more broadly.

Being a creative subject and within the Arts and Social Sciences pathway, this module also has some opportunities for you to demonstrate your creativity, which will give you a chance to illustrate your understanding and appreciation of visual language.

Finally, this module will help develop and sharpen your media literacy allowing you to argue and articulate complex and sophisticated ideas pertaining to the world of film and media.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact your FMS module tutor Justin Lorentzen at justin.lorentzen@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, please attend the AES writing workshop as well as the Language Support Drop-in clinic. For more information, please see your AES tutor and/or the Head of English, Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk)

22-23 SG1014: Pure Mathematics-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Pure Mathematics 2022/23: Jan Cohort 


  •  Dr Reza Abed (reza.abed@rhul.ac.uk)

Welcome to the Pure Maths Moodle page for Jan 2022/23. 

Pure Mathematics is the branch of mathematics that deals with abstract ideas. These ideas may or may not have any direct link with things in our day-to-day lives (or even with the real world/universe in general!) but they are extremely fascinating to work with. This module will help you think about mathematics in a logical but imaginative way! 

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Literature module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Reza Abed: reza.abed@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole, (Wai.Yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

22-23 SG1012: Academic English Skills - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Online Academic English Skills 2022/23: Jan and Mar Cohort

Welcome to the AES Moodle Page for Jan and Mar 2022/23 cohort.

This is the landing page where you will be directed to the AES online teaching and learning platform here. You will also find some AES-related documents, such as the Harvard Referencing manual, etc. To find out more about a section, simply click on the section title.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the Interim Head of English: Nicole Yip at wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk.

Your AES tutors for this academic year are: 

 If you need to get in touch with your tutors, please email them to make an appointment.

22-23 SG1009: International Politics-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY International Politics 2022/23: Jan Cohort

MODULE CONVENER: Dr Noman Hanif-  noman.hanif@rhul.ac.uk

Welcome to the Politics Moodle page for Jan  2022/23!

Our classes are scheduled on Mondays 13.00 - 15.00  and 12.00- 114.00  in Moore 007

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Politics module. During the course you will explore key themes in global politics among which climate change, identity, power, colonialism, neoliberalism and political violence. Each theme draws out specific historical and geographical locations and uses a wide range of illustrative examples to examine the complexity of responses and to evaluate the broader theoretical approaches.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr Noman Hanif

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

22-23 SG1005: Physics-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Physics 2022/23: Jan Cohort 

Welcome to the Physics Moodle page for  Jan 2022/23. 

Physics is a requirement of many first degrees with a Physics component, including Engineering, Geology, and Computer Science. The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of Newtonian Physics, dynamics, electric circuits, electronics, electromagnetism, waves and atomic physics.

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Literature module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Reza Abed: reza.abed@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole, (Wai.Yip@rhul.ac.ukk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

22-23 SG1003: Introduction to Business - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Introduction to Business Studies 2022/23: Jan cohort 

Welcome to the Business Moodle page for Jan 2022/23. 

This module will provide you with a broad introduction to Business and Management and prepare you for your undergraduate studies. It includes diverse areas such as starting new businesses, finance, marketing and leadership.

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Business module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr. Agha Ibiam (agha.ibiam@rhul.ac.uk)

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.



22-23 SG1002: Music - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Music 2022/23: Jan Cohort 

Welcome to the Music Moodle page for Jan 2022-23

Here you will find class materials, homework and asychronous information, and formative and summative assignment information for the Music module. In the music module, you will be doing two things: enhancing your academic music skills (such as theory, harmony and history) and working on your practical skills with a peripatetic teacher on an instrument of your choice.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr Katie Cattell at Katie.Cattell@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

22-23 SG1007: Psychology - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Psychology 2023: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Psychology Moodle Page for January 2023.

Here you will find class materials, homework and asynchronous work information, independent study tasks and formative and summative information for the Psychology Module.

Psychology is a very broad and fascinating subject that influences almost every part of our lives. This module will help you to learn about aspects of human behaviour and mental processes that will give you insights into how and why people think, act and feel the way that they do.

During this module, you will be learning about the history of how Psychology developed as a scientific discipline as well as the latest research involving modern methods and technology. We will begin by studying the assumptions behind the main theoretical approaches to Psychology before exploring core contemporary areas: Cognitive, Developmental, Biological and Social Psychology.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Elizabeth Kaplunov, your Psychology Module tutor (elizabeth.kaplunov@rhul.ac.uk).

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to  your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you. 

22-23 SG1056: Core Maths 2 - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term
Welcome to the Core Maths 2 module. This module forms part of the International Foundation Year programme. The overall aim of this programme is to increase your confidence in using mathematics and develop your analytical processing and academic study skills to meet the mathematical demands of your chosen first degree course at Royal Holloway.

Mathematics is a requirement of many first degrees, including computer science, psychology and economics. The course aims to consolidate and build on your current knowledge and develop a greater understanding in pure mathematics and statistics.

This module will take you through the practical aspects of collecting and representing data visually and numerically to enable interpretation and extrapolation. You will meet theoretical probability and both discrete and continuous probability distributions and learn how to make decisions. Your knowledge of scatter graphs will be refined to enable correlation and regression analysis.

Finally, you will engage in group activities as well as working individually. The emphasis is on independent learning with the support of the teacher.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Elizabeth Kaplunov (elizabeth.kaplunov@rhul.ac.uk), your Core Maths Module tutor.

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.
22-23 SG1006: Core Maths 1 - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Welcome to the Core Maths 1 module!

This module forms part of the International Foundation Year programme. The overall aim of this programme is to increase your confidence in using mathematics and develop your analytical processing and academic study skills to meet the mathematical demands of your chosen first degree course at Royal Holloway. 

Mathematics is a requirement of many first degrees, including computer science, psychology and economics. The course aims to consolidate and build on your current knowledge and develop a greater understanding in mathematics. 

The course will include a review of basic arithmetic concepts important in science and algebra to generalise and solve problems. Also, you will meet basic calculus methods to enable problem solving and decision making. 

It is an expectation that technology will be used where appropriate including, but not limited to, a scientific calculator (not graphical/programmable) and Microsoft Excel. 

Finally, you will engage in group activities as well as working individually. The emphasis is on independent learning with the support of the group, class and teacher. 


The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” – Paul Halmos 

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Elizabeth Kaplunov (elizabeth.kaplunov@rhul.ac.uk), your Core Maths Module tutor.

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to  your AES tutor and/or Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you. 

23-24 SG1008: Sociology - SpringTerm
IFY Spring Term

IFY Sociology 2023/24: January Cohort

Welcome to the Sociology Moodle Page for IFY 2023/24 January cohort. 

Why study Sociology?

The students studying this module come from different parts of the globe and belong to diverse sociological categories (gender, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexuality and so forth). This is a rich sociological environment for studying sociology.

Sociology helps us to understand ourselves as individuals and as members of social groups. The learning in this module focuses on the social forces that shape our identities and actions, both individually and collectively. At the same, it enables us to acquire the critical thinking and skills that we need to take a more active role in creating better societies that promote our own and others' flourishing and well-being.  

To find the material for each week's learning, click on the relevant tile on this Sociology Moodle page and you will see all the  class materials, homework information, independent study tasks, and assessment information that you need for this module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Justin Lorentzen,, your Sociology Module tutor, at justin.lorentzen@studygroup.com

 If you need specific English writing help, please attend the AES writing workshop as well as the Language Support Drop-in clinic. For more information contact Nicole Yip, head of English, at wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk or your AES tutors. 

23-24 SG1054: Biology - Autumn Term
IFY Spring Term
Welcome to IFY Biology Moodle page for September 2023-24 semester!

Here you will find class materials, homework and asynchronous work information, independent study tasks as well as formative/ summative information for the Biology module.

This module focuses on real-world applications, problem-solving, global challenges, enterprise and innovation. The curriculum inspires students to explore their discipline and, through this, seeks to kindle the learners' passion for and development within Biology.

During the module you will be learning about Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Genetics as well as Ecology. There will also be aspects of maths which includes using units, using ratios and percentages, dealing with orders of magnitude and plotting and using graphs.

If you have any general module queries, or you are having trouble with assessments or assignments or just want to discuss your progress then contact your tutor Dr Ali Behjou on ali.behjou@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Head of English (Nicole Yip, wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk).
23-24 SG1004: Economics and Financial Accounting - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Economics 2023/24: September Cohort 

Welcome to the Economics Moodle page for February 2023/24

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Economics module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Nitin Kalra (nitin.kalra@rhul.ac.uk)

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to head of AES, Nicole Yip (nicole.yip@rhul.ac.uk) and she can tell you about the language support available to you.

If we ever need to arrange a zoom session, please use the following link (https://studygroup.zoom.us/j/92498255700)

22-23 SG1001: Film Studies and Media Studies - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Film and Media Studies 2022/23: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Film and Media Studies (FMS) Moodle Page for January 2023. Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative & summative assignment information for the FMS module.

Over the past 100 years film and media has grown into an enormously powerful part of almost all societies in the world. Every aspect of modern living is affected by film and media both as an industry and cultural phenomenon. Indeed, film and media are integral features of our experience of modernity itself.

The module is designed to introduce you to a range of different theoretical approaches in the study of film and media and how these offer a deeper understanding of the ways texts operate within society more broadly.

Being a creative subject and within the Arts and Social Sciences pathway, this module also has some opportunities for you to demonstrate your creativity, which will give you a chance to illustrate your understanding and appreciation of visual language.

Finally, this module will help develop and sharpen your media literacy allowing you to argue and articulate complex and sophisticated ideas pertaining to the world of film and media.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact your FMS module tutor Dr Jean-Baptiste de Vaulx at jean-baptiste.devaulx@rhul.ac.uk.

If you need specific English writing help, please attend the AES writing workshop as well as the Language Support Drop-in clinic. For more information, please see your AES tutor and/or the Head of English, Nicole Yip (wai.yip@rhul.ac.uk)

21-22 SG1000: Introduction to Literature - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Introduction to Literature 2021/22: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Literature Moodle page for January 2021/22. 

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Literature module. During the course you will explore a variety of texts from around the world and a number of different theories that we can use to interrogate them, improving your critical skills as well as having the opportunity to approach texts creatively.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr Katie Cattell at Katie.Cattell@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Chris Storrs-Fox (Christopher.Storrs-Fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

21-22 SG1001: Film Studies and Media Studies - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Film and Media Studies 2021/22: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Film and Media Studies (FMS) Moodle Page for the IFY January 2021/22 cohort.

Over the past 100 years film and media has grown into an enormously powerful part of almost all societies in the world. Every aspect of modern living is affected by film and media both as an industry and cultural phenomenon. Indeed, film and media are integral features of our experience of modernity itself.

The module is designed to introduce you to a range of forms and genres with an emphasis on developing the academic language needed to analyse texts. You will learn about the different theoretical approaches in the study of film and media and how these offer a deeper understanding of the ways texts operate within society more broadly.

Being a creative subject and within the Arts and Social Sciences pathway, this module also has some opportunities for you to demonstrate your creativity, which will give you a chance to illustrate your understanding and appreciation of visual language.

Finally, this module will help develop and sharpen your media literacy allowing you to argue and articulate complex and sophisticated ideas pertaining to the world of film and media.

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative & summative assignment information for the FMS module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact your FMS module tutor Dr Jean-Baptiste de Vaulx at jean-baptiste.devaulx@rhul.ac.uk.

If you need specific English writing help, please attend the AES writing workshop as well as the Language Support Drop-in clinic. For more information, please see Christopher Storrs-Fox, Head of English, at christopher.storrs-fox@rhul.ac.uk or your AES tutor. 

21-22 SG1002: Music - SpringTerm
IFY Spring Term

IFY Music 2021/22: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Music Moodle page for January 2022! 

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Music module. In the music module, you will be doing two things: enhancing your academic music skills (such as theory, harmony and history) and working on your practical skills with a peripatetic teacher on an instrument of your choice.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr Katie Cattell at Katie.Cattell@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Chris Storrs-Fox (Christopher.Storrs-Fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

21-22 SG1003: Introduction to Business - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Introduction to Business Studies 2021/22: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Business Moodle page for January 2022. 

This module will provid you with a broad introduction to Business and Management and prepare you for your undergraduate studies. It includes diverse areas such as starting new businesses, finance, marketing and leadership.

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Business module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Allen Huish (allen.huish@rhul.ac.uk)

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Christopher Storrs-Fox (Christopher.storrs-fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.



21-22 SG1004: Economics and Financial Accounting - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Economic 2021/22: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Economics Moodle page for January 2021/22. 

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Economics module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Meenakshi Anthati (meena.anthati@rhul.ac.uk)

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Dr Haider and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

21-22 SG1005: Physics-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Physics 2021/22: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Physics Moodle page for January 2022. 

Physics is a requirement of many first degrees with a Physics component, including Engineering, Geology, and Computer Science. The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of Newtonian Physics, dynamics, electric circuits, electronics, electromagnetism, waves and atomic physics.

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Literature module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Reza Abed: Reza.Abed@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Christopher Storrs-Fox, (Christopher.Storrs-Fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

21-22 SG1006: Core Mathematics-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Welcome to the Core Mathematics module. This module forms part of the International Foundation Year programme. The overall aim of this programme is to increase your confidence in using mathematics and develop your analytical processing and academic study skills to meet the mathematical demands of your chosen first degree course at Royal Holloway. 

Mathematics is a requirement of many first degrees, including computer science, psychology and economics. The course aims to consolidate and build on your current knowledge and develop a greater understanding in pure mathematics and statistics. 

The pure mathematics section will include units reviewing basic arithmetic concepts important in science and algebra to generalise and solve problems. Graphical concepts will be introduced that support business decisions. Finally, you will meet basic calculus methods to enable problem solving and decision making. 

The statistics section of this module will take you through the practical aspects of collecting and representing data visually and numerically to enable interpretation and extrapolation. You will meet theoretical probability and both discrete and continuous probability distributions and learn how to make decisions. Your knowledge of scatter graphs will be refined to enable correlation and regression analysis. 

It is an expectation that technology will be used where appropriate including, but not limited to, a scientific calculator (not graphical/programmable) and Microsoft Excel. 

Finally, you will engage in group activities as well as working individually. The emphasis is on independent learning with the support of the group, class and teacher. 


The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” – Paul Halmos 

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Maya Thompson (maya.thompson@rhul.ac.uk), your Core Maths Module tutor.

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to  your AES tutor and/or Christopher Storrs -Fox (christopher.storrs-fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you. 

21-22 SG1007: Psychology - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Psychology 2022: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Psychology Moodle Page for January 2022: 

Here you will find class materials, homework and asynchronous work information, independent study tasks and formative and summative information for the Psychology Module.

Psychology is a very broad and fascinating subject that influences almost every part of our lives. This module will help you to learn about aspects of human behaviour and mental processes that will give you insights into how and why people think, act and feel the way that they do.

During this module, you will be learning about the history of how Psychology developed as a scientific discipline as well as the latest research involving modern methods and technology. We will begin by studying the assumptions behind the main theoretical approaches to Psychology before exploring core contemporary areas: Cognitive, Developmental, Biological and Social Psychology.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Elizabeth Kaplunov, your Psychology Module tutor (elizabeth.kaplunov@rhul.ac.uk).

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to  your AES tutor and/or Christopher Storrs -Fox (christopher.storrs-fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you. 

21-22 SG1008: Sociology - SpringTerm
IFY Spring Term

IFY Sociology 2021/22: January Cohort

Welcome to the Sociology Moodle Page for IFY 2021/22 January cohort. 

Why study Sociology?

The students studying this module come from different parts of the globe and belong to diverse sociological categories (gender, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexuality and so forth). This is a rich sociological environment for studying sociology.

Sociology helps us to understand ourselves as individuals and as members of social groups. The learning in this module focuses on the social forces that shape our identities and actions, both individually and collectively. At the same, it enables us to acquire the critical thinking and skills that we need to take a more active role in creating better societies that promote our own and others' flourishing and well-being.  

To find the material for each week's learning, click on the relevant tile on this Sociology Moodle page and you will see all the  class materials, homework information, independent study tasks, and assessment information that you need for this module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble competing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Dr Jean-Baptiste de Vaulx, your Sociology Module tutor at jean-baptiste.devaulx@rhul.ac.uk

 If you need specific English writing help, please attend the AES writing workshop as well as the Language Support Drop-in clinic. For more information contact Christopher Storrs-Fox, head of English, at christopher.storrs-fox@rhul.ac.uk or your AES tutors. 

21-22 SG1009: International Politics-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY International Politics 2021/22: January Cohort

Welcome to the Politics Moodle page for January 2021/22!

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Politics module. During the course you will explore key themes in global politics among which climate change, identity, power, colonialism, neoliberalism and political violence. Each theme draws out specific historical and geographical locations and uses a wide range of illustrative examples to examine the complexity of responses and to evaluate the broader theoretical approaches.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Dr Andreea Udrea at Andreea.Udrea@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Chris Storrs-Fox (Christopher.Storrs-Fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.

21-22 SG1012: Academic English Skills - Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

Online Academic English Skills 2021/22: January and March Cohort

Welcome to the AES Moodle Page for January 2021/22 cohort!

This is the landing page where you will be directed to the AES online teaching and learning platform here. You will also find some AES-related documents, such as the Harvard Referencing manual, etc. To find out more about a section, simply click the section title.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment, or just want to discuss your progress, please contact Head of English, Christopher Storrs-Fox at Christopher.Storrs-Fox@rhul.ac.uk.

Your tutors for this academic year are: 

 If you need to get in touch with your tutors, please email them to make an appointment

21-22 SG1013: Applied Mathematics-Spring Term
IFY Spring Term

IFY Applied Mathematics 2021/22: January Cohort 

Welcome to the Physics Moodle page for January 2022. 

Applied mathematics is aimed at solving a broad variety of real-world problems using mathematical techniques. The fields of application include engineering, computing, natural, medical and social sciences as well as business and management. Applied mathematicians operate within many branches of mathematical sciences such as calculus, differential equations, statistics utilising both analytical and numerical methods.

Here you will find class materials, homework information, independent study tasks and formative and summative assignment information for the Literature module.

If you have any general module queries, have trouble completing/uploading your assignment or just want to discuss your progress, please contact the module tutor Reza Abed: reza.abed@rhul.ac.uk

If you need specific English writing help, you should speak to your AES tutor and/or Christopher Storrs-Fox, (Christopher.Storrs-Fox@rhul.ac.uk) and they can tell you about the language support available to you.